The Ride Armor makes a return as well, with a slew of customization options including a blaster arm attachment that is used to make short work of Magma Dragoon's return appearance. This helps to diverge Zero from simply being a melee-version of X by giving him a system of combat that feels more like a reward than a self-imposed challenge. Zero may get fewer armor upgrades, but has a unique combo system that allows him to chain together slashes and special techniques, allowing skilled players to pull off rapid combinations that feel right out of the Marvel Vs. Furthermore, these parts can be mixed for new effects unique to each combination, encouraging experimental gameplay. The new Hydra water-elemental armor for X seems to focus on survival and damage mitigation with a buster that can shoot through walls, a jump upgrade and item-pulling ability, whereas the Phoenix Armor focuses on offense with a burning dash and rapid-fire charge shot when below a certain threshold of health.
Only Reploids and Mechaniloids fought in the wars. It includes all of the main conflicts of the Mega Man X series. Upgrades for X's armor are nothing new, but Corrupted offer a new take on upgrades. Beast Man: The majority of these Mavericks are Ridiculously Human Robots that resemble animals, with the occasional Plant Person, Mushroom Man, or what appears to be a humanoid in battle armor. The Maverick Wars, known as the Irregular Wars (, Iregyur Sensou) in Japan, was a series of global armed conflicts between legions of Mavericks led by Sigma, and the Maverick Hunters led by X and Zero.
Related: Zero's History With Mega Man X, From Sidekick to Hero